Is Pineapple Good for Gastritis?

Is pineapple good or bad for gastritis? It’s something that a number of people have been asking. After being diagnosed with the disease, one of the things that you will discover is that its very difficult to decide what to eat and what not to eat. Which foods are best for you and which ones should be avoided at all costs?

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach, making this issue doubly difficult. On top of that, there is some confusion regarding what is good and bad for you. You will find some people saying this food causes no harm while others will say stay away from the same food. In this article, we are looking to demystify some of these issues. The question we are answering is; “can you eat pineapple if you have Gastritis?”

Can you eat pineapple if you have gastritis?

In general, pineapple is not good for gastritis due to it’s high acidity. However, there have been some studies that show that pineapple has a substance called bromelain that is a natural anti-inflammatory. Though there is a still debate, the fact is you should only eat very small chunks of pineapple if you have gastritis. Otherwise the acidity in this fruit will cause you pain.

The PH value of pineapple

That’s the answer to the question is pineapple good for gastritis? It can be said that pineapple is generally bad for people with the disease. However, small amounts shouldn’t cause any issues. In fact, they may be helpful, considering the anti-inflammatory nature of some of the compounds found in pineapples.

When we talk about food and whether or not it is bad or good for gastritis, we talk about the PH level. It’s a measure of how acidic or alkaline a particular food is. In general, people with gastritis need to stay away from acidic food.

The PH scale runs from 0 to 14. Seven is neutral. Foods from 4.6 upwards are considered mildly acidic. People with gastritis can consume them in moderation. Anything below 4.6 should be avoided where possible. So, where does pineapple fall on this scale?

The PH of pineapples ranges from 3.2 to 4.1. That makes them highly acidic. It’s the reason why we noted in the above section that if you have gastritis, you should try to stay away from this fruit. If you need to eat pineapple, go for the sweet variety, which is less acidic.

Nutritional benefits of pineapple

In this post, we answered the question is pineapple good or bad for gastritis? It was noted that pineapple is generally not good, though you can enjoy a few slices in moderation. So, what are some of the nutritional elements that you will be missing by staying away from pineapple? The following are the fruit’s nutritional benefits;

  • Protein
  • Carbs
  • Fiber
  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6
  • Copper
  • Thiamine
  • Folate
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Riboflavin
  • Iron

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This post was dedicated to answering the question is pineapple good for gastritis. It was noted that the acidic nature of pineapple makes it one of the foods that people with the disease need to avoid. It was also noted that there are some counter arguments about this.

Pineapple has some anti-inflammatory elements, making it somewhat good for you if you have the disease. However, the benefits may be outweighed by the pain. In any case, it’s best to learn by listening to your own stomach.

Try out a few slices and see if they work for you. It’s the nature of things if you have gastritis. Some foods that are good for other people will be bad for you, while those that are bad for other sufferers will be good for you.

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Living With Gastritis