About Us

Living with Gastritis is dedicated to easing the pain that is associated with the diseases. I decided to create this site as a way of sharing my own personal experiences with others around the world.
My Story
I have had gastritis for years. I think I started feeling chest pains five years ago. All along, I was adamant that my stomach was fine, in spite of the fact that some doctors wanted to explore the fact that it could be my stomach that was ailing me. I never had any of the classic symptoms, such as acid reflux etc. The reason why I went so long without a proper diagnosis was because the disease would come and go after a short while.
Bring clarity on the issues related to gastritis. My aim is to provide information that can help others who are dealing with the disease.
To make this site a forum where people can share their own stories. My story is not unique. What has your experience with gastritis been like?
Our Team
Hi. My name is Tapiwa and I am a compulsive blogger. Give me any topic and I will turn it into a website within a few days. This particular site aims to share my experiences with gastritis.