Can I Eat Rice With Gastritis?

Can I eat rice with gastritis? It’s something that many people ask themselves after being diagnosed with this disease. Gastritis refers to inflammation of the stomach lining. To manage it, you will need to adjust your diet and your lifestyle. Some foods have the potential to irritate the stomach lining. Others induce the release of stomach acids. All these foods are what we have previously referred to as gastritis pain triggers. But is rice one of these triggers?

Is rice bad for gastritis

Rice is one of the foods that are recommended for people with gastritis. So, yes, you can eat it after being diagnosed with the disease. The reason why rice is recommended is that it is easy to digest. That makes rice good for gastritis.

PH value of rice

Gastritis suffers need to be aware of the PH values of the foods that they are eating. Low PH foods are acidic, meaning they have the potential to harm you by inducing the production of excessive amounts of acid.

PH is measure from 0 to 10. Foods that are below 4 are highly acidic and should be avoided by people with gastritis. But where does rice fall on this scale?

When prepared without additives, rice has a PH range between 6.0 – 6.7. That makes it good as far as gastritis is concerned.

Choose brown rice

Rice in general is good for people with gastritis. However, brown rice is even better. When suffering from gastritis, you will need to eat wholesome foods. In general, high fiber foods are recommended. They help with the process of digestion and a lot of people find them to be helpful as far as reducing the pain is concerned.

Be careful how you eat rice

So far in this article, we have answered the question, can I eat rice with Gastritis. We noted that rice is good for gastritis. But the thing about rice is that it is seldom eaten alone.

Most of the time, people add soup, meat, vegetables, salads and a lot of other things to the rice. That’s where you could go wrong.

Rice is good, but if your soup is spicy, then the entire meal will become a big gastritis pain trigger. The same applies if you are eating your rice alongside fatty meats.

So, at the height of your gastritis symptoms, you may be forced to eat rice without any additional foods. Just take a bowl of boiled rice and eat that. Or add eggs for some protein. Eggs are another food that is good for gastritis.


In this article, we covered the question can I eat rice with Gastritis. We noted that rice is one of the foods that are recommended for people with the disease. You can eat white rice or brown rice. You can also alternate between the two.

Rice is good for gastritis because it is easy to digest. Gastritis suffers need to be careful when choosing their diets. They should stay away from foods that are difficult to digest. They should also stay away from spicy foods. As such, be careful what you eat rice with to avoid negating it’s positives.

One thought on “Can I Eat Rice With Gastritis?

  1. Hey thanks this ph has Been helpful
    I’m aware that ph in soil affect plant growth as ph in humans and using a strip when peeing ! I’ve copied these ph for food because of my gastritis thank you

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